
Raspberry Pi package for controlling 16x2 character display (1602 LCD) on HD44780U module written in Julia.


Julia must be installed on Raspberry Pi. I have tested on v1.1.0 which can be installed with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install julia

The package can be installed from Julia environment with:

] add


# setting connected pins
d = DisplayP4(
    2, # RS
    3, # RW
    4, # E
    5, # D7
    6, # D6
    7, # D5
    8  # D4

write(d, "Julia +")
set_cursor(d, 0, 1) # move cursor to the second line
write(d, "Raspberry Pi")


A. Connection for 4 bit mode

Display pins can be connected to any RaspberryPi GPIOs. For example this scheme is based on the following connections:

  • VSS => GND (chip ground)
  • VDD => +5V (chip power)
  • V0 => central terminal of the potentiometer to get 0..+5V
  • RS => GPIO2
  • RW => GPIO3
  • E => GPIO4
  • D7-D4 => GPIO5-GPIO8
  • A, R (light power) can be connected to 3.3V or 5V bus


B. Connection for 8 bit mode

Display pins can be connected to any RaspberryPi GPIOs. For example this scheme is based on the following connections:

  • VSS => GND (chip ground)
  • VDD => +5V (chip power)
  • V0 => central terminal of the potentiometer
  • RS => GPIO2
  • RW => GPIO3
  • E => GPIO4
  • D7-D0 => GPIO5-GPIO12
  • A, R (light power) can be connected to 3.3V or 5V bus


Known issues and limitations

  • Currently only parallel 8bit/4bit mode (without display driver) is supported.

  • The maximal rate (333 Byte/s) is limited by too long pauses between switching pins. The package uses sleep(time) function where time cannot be less than 1e-3 (second). The theoretical rate can be 25000 Byte/s and it needs another approach without sleep function.

  • The package works only in writing mode. Reading mode and checking BF (busy flag) signal is not supported.

  • For more information read datasheet to the module
